The Boat Race was incredibly proud to work with Gemini to enable young people across the UK to have the opportunity to try rowing. The Bursary was established to deliver our common goal to break down barriers to participation. From September 2021 to July 2022, we have welcomed over 880 young people to the sport, via dedicated community projects.
The Boat Race Fund is governed and managed by Trustees from the Oxford and Cambridge Rowing Foundation. Our aim is to pull together to make a positive difference to the lives of young people.
Our goals are to remove barriers and increase inclusion within rowing by supporting the work of dedicated and highly skilled organisations across the UK. We work as a crew, all playing our part to support the next generation of rowing enthusiasts.
How does The Boat Race Fund target support?
Working with partner organisations
Our goals are ambitious. To realise them we work with transformative organisations who have the skills and experience to deliver powerful programmes. The programmes are either long established in their communities or have a successful track record of driving significant change. They prioritise on and off water training, but crucially, the learning outcomes of the young people transcend sport, or proficiency. The programmes develop the whole person, not just the rower..
Removing barriers
The Boat Race Company are committed to lessening the impact of financial barriers ensuring that a whole new generation of rowers can access the sport. We seek to alleviate obstacles, such as access to rowing kit the cost of travel to and from the rowing club to ensure young people feel comfortable and safe. We also aim to increase the visibility of rowing in the community.
Increasing inclusion
By funding committed grass roots organisations, we support a new generation of potential rowers from a broader range of socio-economic groups. The projects we fund will build a bridge between sport and underserved communities. We financially support rowing instruction, mentorship, facilities, and education.